Trusting A Higher Power



Lately, I’m honing my trusting skills.  Honing trust is not generally the way one thinks about it, I know.  Isn’t trust what someone else earns from you?  Well, yes, in a sense.  I’ve heard that said in several places, especially in relationship books.  When one partner strays (don’t you love that word?), it’s not only incredibly painful, but it can damage the trust permanently (and consequently the relationship itself)  if no one does anything to repair that trust, build it up with new behavior and accountability.  I’d like us to take trust and move it out of the realm of something that we just have or we don’t, into a skill we can strengthen.


In spiritual teachings, we’re supposed to just trust God implicitly.  I’ve had conversations with my little boy about this, where he’s upset about something and I suggest prayer and affirmations, and patience along with trust.  As he gets older, he doesn’t seem so keen on this idea of trust, and I’m wondering how to not only model what this looks like to him, but also help him to understand that an answer to prayer doesn’t always look like what we had in mind.  If we wait long enough, though, it always ends up being a greater gift if we’re wise enough to look deeper.


Sometimes in the moment, it can seem downright deflating, or it looks like God doesn’t even exist, the outcome can be so seemingly opposite of good in our eyes.  I can think of many times in my past where events most definitely did not fit my idea of a good time.  It’s like we’re all small children who think that ‘good’ looks one way, and ‘bad’ looks another, when in fact what we perceive as ‘bad’ is the very best spiritual vitamin we could have been handed.


Trust, to me, is a feature of faith, and in order to have miracles of synchronicity and beauty in our lives, we have to work at this faith thing.  “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Heb.11:1)  (Yes, I quoted the Bible, right out here in public.  It’s a shaky thing to do because I’m hypersensitive to those who’ve been traumatized by the hypocrisy and persecution of those claiming to be Christian, but I don’t want you to miss out on the creamy center because of someone else’s stale shell of issues.)  There’s a wealth of wisdom in the good book that we could miss out on if we allow misguided religious fanatics to get in the way of our soul candy.  About faith, though, Emilie Cady tells us that faith is an intuitive move.  Relying on intellect or physical facts will not get us the miraculous manifestations we desire.


So where does trust come into play?  Trust is the fuel in the faith mobile. The two qualities go hand in hand.  We have to take a leap that can feel terrifying, a powerful jump from intellectual fact finding to even skim the surface of faith.  Yet, it’s the most crucial ongoing quality that gets us the miraculous manifestations we are craving.  We cannot expect the universe to gather molecules and energy into one place in time, creating a desired thing, unless we have faith.  And when we feel that faith slipping, and begin to lose sight of our precious desire, the element of a powerful trust in a Higher Consciousness is the free tank of endless free fuel in the faith mobile that exists.

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7 Responses to “Trusting A Higher Power”

  1. Artie Says:

    Trust is asking and receiving…..I have used it mannnnnny times and it works for me.


  2. Julie Clancy Says:


    I love your idea about honing trust. The trust that really matters, to me, is trust of Inner Being/Source/Inner Guidance. I also love your referencing of the Bible quote on “Faith,” along with your calling it soul candy! I love many Bible quotes, and I will think of them like this from now on!

    xo Julie Clancy


  3. Oceana Says:

    Thank you, Julie! I agree with you that the trust that truly matters is our own Inner Guidance. Thanks for commenting!


  4. Renee Sullivan Says:

    You are so dead on about trust. Sometimes it takes quite a while to build that with someone. You just don’t always know what the other person’s experiences are prior to meeting you.

    When it comes to trust in God and Jesus (Yes I am not afraid to say that I am Christian and I have faith that God), it takes a being that is really in tune with themselves to see that God may have a bigger and better plan for us than we can imagine. Some very young children have this ability, but with others it may take until adulthood to develop this. Sometimes it takes an experience to get to this point. The key is to earning trust is be at a point when you’re open to give and receive it.


    • Oceana Says:

      You’re right, Renee. I hadn’t thought of trust as being something inherently childlike, but now that you brought that point up, you have me thinking more about it. Thanks so much for sharing…


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