Five Simple Steps to Your Soul Recharge


My clients are all feeling it, I am feeling it, and I suspect you are feeling it.  Time seems to be moving like a rocket ship, and we’re hanging on for dear life, full to busting at the seams with stuff to do, messages to answer, phones ringing, loved ones needing us, catching up, catching up…

When the pace is out of control, there is always a small voice under the din, calling us to come home.  In our current global paradigm shift, we are feeling a higher vibration energy and it is an intense feeling to adjust to.  The answer is to connect to our Source, to align with what nurtures and replenishes us and to plug into a circuit bigger than all that we think we are.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes is a master at knowing what feeds the soul, and her wisdom is timeless.  She urges us to find time to go back to Soul. Soul is where we rest, where we boundary off our personal space, where we don’t do, but rather BE.  Women are especially wise to utilize this advice.  It takes courage and unwavering intention, this going home to our souls.  It can be small breaks of time when we do something that feeds us, such as playing music, doing yoga, meditating, or taking a walk alone.  Spending time connecting to the earth is especially beneficial and aligning.  Some of us need larger spaces of time and solitude to recharge, especially if we are ultra sensitive.

During the winter months when we are having snow storms and freezing cold, Nature beckons us to go inward.  Soul time is necessary to re-pose, review, take stock, discard, reinvent, vision, dream, nourish, and wait patiently for the seeds of what is to come to surface.  When we are surging forth with new and fresh ideas, clamoring to bring our good work into the sunshine in spring and summer, we also need to be mindful of the small breaks that refuel our bodies and souls.  Fighting our natural cycle takes a toll on our vital life force.  From experience, I can tell you that you can indeed take the time you need to rest.  Our minds will tell us different stories, but they are all illusions of attachment, I assure you.

The Five Steps

1 ~ Breathe deep and slow, relaxing your body and settling into the NOW.

2 ~ Allow the idea of new possibilities, letting go of the mind chatter that tells you that time for rest is impossible because of___________________.  Simply replace that thought with the willingness to be open to possibility.

3 ~ Choose a time on your calendar.  Block it out and claim is as sacred.  Intend to keep your promise to yourself.

4 ~ Ask your loved ones to support you in this, and explain that you need this and that you promise to come back, to return to them with even more love and energy as the rejuvenated you.

5 ~ DO IT.  Take the time, do whatever gives your spirit great rest and nurturing, connecting you to your gorgeous, divine Soul.


Saying YES to your exquisite self care is the first step to living into your bliss, my friends.  Thank you for caring  for yourself with compassion, because the waves of love emanate out into this world and make the world a much, much more beautiful place to share.
Blissings & Blessings~

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5 Responses to “Five Simple Steps to Your Soul Recharge”

  1. Luck Fawyers Says:

    Thank you, this is powerful. I promise to engage these principles.


  2. Oceana Says:

    Very glad you found it helpful, Luck!


  3. Marc Israel Says:

    Thank you once again goddess oceana !
    I awoke very early and began my day doing naked sun salutation using body as conduit breathing in from the sky down to the earth and reversing it… Hugging a tree yoga and sweet meditation. OMG The energy was so amazing. So I would suggest if you can do it naked and feel ,At this very moment I am meditating naked or at very least bare feet it will deepen you connection even deeper…,love to all!!!


  4. Oceana Says:

    Great to hear details of your practice, Marc. Connecting to the earth with our bodies is so incredibly energizing! I love that you hugged a tree today…


  5. Menopause For The Clueless Like Me « Goddess Oceana's Gold Says:

    […] always have that prerogative, but in place of that we can take small self care breaks.  I wrote a whole article about this on my blog, inspired by something written by Clarissa Pinkola Estes about women and our bone deep need for […]


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