Posts Tagged ‘master coach’

Why Have A Healing Session With Goddess Oceana?

May 8, 2013


If you find that you’re in a cycle of repeated patterns and are hitting a wall with frustration, chances are your energetic system is blocked or contracted.  This often happens as a result of trauma, mild or severe, or even simply because of our emotional and mental reactions to what we perceive to be anything other than love from an outside source.

If we’re hurt, our energy bodies contract, which can result in emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual manifestations of dis~ease over time.  The underlying cause is energetic, always.

In a healing session, I utilize a wide range of energetic modalities to locate and transmute the contracted energy.  Some of this energy can even be energy that isn’t ours, but has found a place in us to cling, and it can distort our natural way of being in ways that feel out of alignment with who we are. These energies are removed using a shamanic process called extraction, and they’re transmuted so that they can no longer affect us. 

How do these energies end up stuck to us in the first place?  When we have a physical or emotional shock or hurt, a part of our soul can fragment to protect us from the full force of the hurt.  This is called soul fragmentation.  This leaves a void in our energy body, which is automatically vulnerable to outside energies seeking a place to land.

In our culture, people are tended to by doctors and nurses if their bodies are wounded or ill.  Psychologists help to heal the mental and emotional bodies.  The spiritual, soul malady is neglected, however, and we are left to wonder why we never feel quite ourselves again, or why we are trying to fill the “void” with all manner of addictions.

Shamans have been addressing the whole person for millennia, and have effective and simple ways to bring a person into alignment so that often, something that is stubbornly refusing to heal with medication, counseling, or nutrition, is swiftly healed by a soul retrieval and integration, an extraction, and divination.

In my healing sessions, I use shamanic processes wherever I intuitively feel they are needed.  My sessions with people address their individual and unique needs accordingly, and so they’re not a one size fits all experience.  With thirty years of healing work in my medicine bag, I utilize what’s needed when it’s needed.

My gigantic medicine bag has years of mediumship abilities, psychometry, and psychic skills.  I use a pendulum to dowse as we work together, often clearing past, present, and future life misalignments and opening energy pathways with spiritual response therapy.  As an intuitive using clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, I will scan someone’s field even from a distance intuitively to see where the blocks are in their system. 

A master coach of decades, I utilize my coaching skills to empower the inner knowing of my clients for a swift and catalytic shift in whatever area they are ready to shift.  This saves time, and money, not to mention the priceless gift of less suffering.

As a priestess, I call in sacred space, higher awareness, archangels, guides, and master teachers and ascended masters to hold the highest vibration possible for our work together. With my background as a white tantric yoga teacher, I have wisdom to draw from that is mystical and rare, which I can impart to assist in the support of your overall well-being.  A certified herbalist and aromatherapist, I also have the exquisite tools of the plant world at my fingertips should someone need a personalized essence to help them integrate as they are healing.

In essence, if you desire to finally heal or shift, and you want the very highest level healer available, you would do well to call on me.  There is no area of spiritual healing work I haven’t studied, and the spirit helpers I work with are the most powerful, loving guides and have worked with me over a multitude of lifetimes and dimensions.

Healing sessions can be done by phone or skype, and so distance is not a challenge.  If you’re finding you are facing some of the blocks that are up now for people in the shift of our planetary vibration, with the biggest personal growth opportunities of our times, message me for an appointment and give yourself a break.  You don’t need to suffer with this by yourself when help is right here.

Contact Oceana at with inquiries or to book your healing session.